Deaf support Group imageDeaf support Group image
 the deaf support service  for hard of hearing, deaf and deaf blind people living in Dudley borough
If you have difficulty with the following:

  • Conversations
  • The TV
  • The phone
  • People calling at the door

Then the this service is for you.
What does the deaf support service do ?.
The service which is based in central Dudley offers a range of information.
advice and support services to help hard of hearing , deaf and deaf blind people
to lead independent and fulfilled lives

What services are on offer
Support and services available include.
  • Assessment of needs
  • Information about coping with hearing loss 
  • Communication hints and tips
  • A drop in service
  • Advocacy and advice
  • Signposting to other helpful services
  • A resource room
  • Equipment to alert to environment sounds.
  • Direct payments
Telephone: 01384 813460